Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Weeelllllll..... I totally blew off the gym today. I made it all the way to the "locker room" a.k.a. bathroom with bench, and realized I had no sports bra and no socks. So, instead of trekking all the way back to my room and retrieving said items, I just went back to work. Uber lame excuse. I know. So instead of a post-workout glow, I'm just feeling kind of blah. That'll teach me, right?

Anyways! On to the topic at hand: New Year's Resolutions. Here is the time of year I usually make up some silly blase "goal" that I don't even really mean, just because everyone else has one, and break about 2.5 hours after waking up on January 1. But not this year. I already am filled so many goals, and so many ways I wish to change my life, this year it was super easy! So here goes nothing:

1. Quit swearing. Excuse the cliche, but I talk like a Sailor. It's really bad, and totally not classy. So I'm going to try to quit. This is not going to be an easy task. But goals aren't very much fun if they're not challenging! So here we go. Time to clean up my dirty little mouth for good.

2. Give up soft drinks. GASP! I already quit regular cokes soft drinks (I forget, not everyone is from the South!), and now I have to give up my Diet carbonated goodness, also! And I can't even use swear words to exclaim how upset I am! Dang this New Year. But, in all seriousness. I NEED to drink more H2O. BADLY. So, I'm going to try to stick to water, teas, and maybe a smidge of coffee. Juice is yummy, too. But no more soda.

3. Run. Seriously. I want to bounce back from this injury, and run. That's my goal. I may not be able to do any of the distances I was originally planning for 2011, but I. WANT. TO. RUN. I want to run with my boo, I want to run with my best friend, I want to run by myself. I want to run for fitness, for weight loss, for my sanity. I just have to stay positive, and learn to listen to my body more.

4. I want to learn how to cook/bake. I've never really been that interested in cooking, but I am now. I'm super excited about it, and even went out and bought an apron, so I can be a real housewife. Hello bonbons. :)

5. Enjoy the great outdoors. I mean, I'm going to be living in North Carolina. The possibilities are endless. But I'm looking forward to the hiking the most, probably. Plus. Trail Running! :) But, that goes back to the previous resolution. Staying on topic -ahem.

6. Take a month yoga challenge. I'll either love it or hate it at the end of that month, but at least I'll be able to say I did it! This will have to wait until I'm settled in North Carolina, though. I don't think I'm going to be in one place for a whole month until July! And maybe not even then. But, we'll see.

So. This is what I've got. I think it's going to be a wonderful 2011. (Actually I know it will be. I'm marrying my best friend.)

Have a great New Year!


  1. Congrats on your upcoming wedding ! Last year learning to cook/ bake was my resolution too- I'm still working on it- lots of luck!

  2. Do a yoga challenge! It feels so good to commit yourself to yoga. I really want to get more into cooking too.

  3. How exciting that youre getting married! I like your new years resolution list..my mine focus is to stop picking at my nails! I do it without even noticing...ugh.

  4. Consider your "drink more water" goal...stolen! I need to work on that big time. (I say that as I sit here with my Coke Zero, of course.)
